Grandmaster Amit Bhargava-Promoter of Hupkwondo Self Defense Martial Art

HUPKWONDO Self Defense Martial art,promoted by Grandmaster Amit Bhargava is a martial art form originally from India and has its roots in the ancient martial arts since the times of Bodhidharma and derived from Shastra-vidya and Swaraksha vidya using your hands and legs and basic weapons like short sticks and swords to defend yourselves and your Family from enemies. The art form has been very popular in parts of Northern India and current areas of China, Malaysia and Thailand. World Hupkwondo Council is the World Governing body of Hupkwondo Self Defense Martial Art. Any other organisation claiming to Hupkwondo bodies are merely a shadow of the original body of Hupkwondo which is World Hupkwondo Council. Today, Hupkwondo is popular in more than 20 countries of the World. Hupkwondo originated in India and then traveled to China and Malaysia where modern Grandmasters of Taekwondo named it as per their convenience. But after so many years, Hupkwondo World Body has come back to its roots in India. Today under the leadership of Grandmaster Amit Bhargava and other key members of the World Hupkwondo Council, HUPKWONDO Self Defense Martial Art is one of the fastest growing martial art in the World. Hupkwondo is soon finding its way to the Asian Games with all the Asian members striving very hard to have it included in the Asian Games.

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